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Acorn Health Blog

What we love is great health...

...and we like to write about how we can all achieve better health, naturally. Sometimes tips on how you can DIY to better health and sometimes on the therapies that can make a difference to you, your health and wellbeing.
Thank you for reading, We hope you enjoy :)

Is Your World Back & White?

Therapies Posted on Wed, May 03, 2023 12:23PM

By Dr Ranjana Mitra

April was autism month, and it seems a good time to reflect on how this hugely significant, but still relatively unknown (in the public sphere) condition affects our day to day lives. Autism is widely misunderstood, and for many the word conjures an image of someone with a learning disability (LD). While autism and LD can go together, a lot of autistic people are highly intelligent and excel in their field. However they commonly have some challenges around social interactions, the ability to understand and express emotions, and the ability to cope with the changing demands of everyday life. Their lives are usually governed by routine, they may have certain sensory sensitivities and they may live with a lot of anxiety. Chris Packham’s brilliant series on the subject has shone light on the struggles many people on the autistic spectrum face, but have learnt to hide very well.  

A significant proportion of the couple conflict I see in the Counselling room is due to one partner having some autistic traits. Many of us live with these traits (as autism is a spectrum disorder) but do not have autism. Thus there are people who see the world in black and white, and cannot understand why their partner still talks to their sister after they have fallen out once; or why they can’t go to the same holiday destination each year, or don’t want to eat the same food all the time. Some describe being unable to connect with their partners as they are ‘cold’; or very awkward in social situations – to the extent that they cause embarrassment or avoid social interactions for this very reason.

 Conversations between partners attempting to resolve such everyday difficulties can soon get mired in blaming and personal attacks, when all that is needed is an appreciation of each party’s strengths and weaknesses. People with autistic traits are simply ‘neurodivergent’ – their brains are wired differently; they are not choosing to be difficult; they simply have a different way of understanding and negotiating the world. Whilst they may have difficulty with being flexible, they may also have remarkable strengths such as the ability to maintain intense focus on a task for long periods of time. Think of athletes who are at the top of their game – many of them are likely to be on the spectrum. How else can they find the motivation to train from morning to night, day in and day out, forsaking life’s pleasures, without knowing whether they will ever make the Olympic podium?

When a couple can recognise and work with each other’s strengths and acknowledge each other’s deficits with compassion, conflict can be eliminated and a healthy relationship maintained. If you are one of the many whose world is black and white, don’t despair. All that needs to happen is some understanding of what makes you who you are, and working out how to manage the unpredictable world in a way that does not overwhelm you.

If you want to learn more about this condition, go to the National Autistic Society website

If you believe your relationship difficulties may stem from an inability to be flexible, contact me for an initial consultation.  

Meditation Musings with Eileen- More Calm, Less Stress

Workshops & Classes Posted on Thu, April 27, 2023 10:56AM

MEDITATION …  Welcome More Calm and a Lot Less Stress into your Life

By Eileen Strong

Top Reasons people want to Learn to Meditate

In last month’s Acorn newsletter, our “Meditation Musings” blog bullet-pointed a list of more than 10 possible potential  benefits of meditation, including reducing your stress levels;  and giving your physical health a boost;

(For the full list,  take a quick click on the following link to revisit that Blog Post and check out the whole list: “MEDITATION MUSINGS: Being More YOU”  It was a pretty varied and diverse list! 

I used the words “possible potential benefits” above because you do have to actually do it in the first place,  and then more you do it, the better you get at it.  Just like building muscle at the gym, your “meditation muscles” get stronger (and more impressive!) with practice!   It IS possible to have a bit of a quick fling with Meditation, and get a life-changing result.  But it’s the longer term Meditators are the ones who report the most significant real-life changes.  

But  HOW can Meditation do all that stuff? Could it REALLY be such a cure-all fix-it miracle-worker? Well, no. I personally wouldn’t say that.. although there are many who claim that to be true.  Let’s remember that are many, many different ways to Meditate and….

Different meditation techniques get different results

What is possible is that when you have a specific aim or purpose in mind, there will be a meditation technique that can help you achieve it. 

When I asked some of my previous Meditation Class Students what the most significant benefits had been for them, one of the Top take-aways was how quickly it can help you to switch from Super-Stressed mode to being Calm-&-Relaxed when you know how.

  • “Surprising how little changes can be made to make any situation more relaxing”
  • “What really surprised me was how quickly I could go from “being in work mode” to  “super relaxed” in such a short space of time”
  • “I learnt how relaxation techniques can be applied almost anywhere and not confined to a darkened room”
  • “Excellent for asserting some  control when feeling overwhelmed or anxious”

If managing and reducing stress levels in your life is very important to you, then Meditation can be a self-help technique that could be for you.  Let’s see why.

Meditation: reducing Stress Levels

One of the earliest published research studies on Meditation was released in the 1960’s with the work of Dr Herbert Benson, who famously measured the brainwave activity of a significant number of meditators who were practicing a specific Meditation technique.   He also measured physiological changes that corresponded with the changing brainwave activity.  He essentially proved that meditation could induce a physical state of deep relaxation. 

Back in the 1960’s,  it was pretty ground-breaking research of it’s time and was instrumental in bringing Meditation to the attention of a more mainstream audience.  

In  more recent times, the “Mind-Brain-Body” connection (Mind-Body Medicine)  is becoming more widely researched, recognised and understood.  You’ve  probably heard both those terms bandied about quite a lot in wellness circles; especially in holistic/alternative approaches to health.

With the subsequent development of scientific instruments and rising interest in the potential role of Meditation in Clinical applications (amongst others) we now know so much more about the science behind Meditation, and the whole Mind-Brain-Body connection.

So if getting a better grip on your personal Stress levels is important to you, and you’d like to learn a basic Meditation technique geared to help you with that, are you ready to give it a go?  Read on! 

Join our Monthly Class

This  Mind-Brain-Body connection was the theme for our Group Meditation Class earlier this month, where we came together to enjoy not only a Meditation for Relaxation, but also a true Mind-Body Medicine self-healing technique too.   (More on those in future posts!)

Our monthly class here at Acorn is suitable for beginners through to more experienced meditators and we explore different themes each time.  It’s a very friendly, informal class with chairs provided for your use.  Check directly with us for the latest schedule.

(At time of writing in May 2023,  these are on the 3rd Wednesday Monthly 7pm through to end of July only.  Summer/Autumn classes will have a new schedule so do check back with us for the latest timings).

To Pre-book your place on our Monthly Meditation Classes, click here: EileenStrongCoaching-Events

For more information on any of the above topics, or to enquire about private 1-2-1 meditation sessions, click here: Contact_Eileen  

We look forward to hearing from you, and helping you welcome More Calm and Less Stress into your life.

Meditation Musings with Eileen

General Health & Wellbeing, Workshops & Classes Posted on Thu, March 30, 2023 10:38AM

MEDITATION …  Helping you Learn more about Being more You  

By Eileen Strong

Time to Be. 

 We talked in previous blogs about Meditation being a tool you can use to switch yourself from a stressed, anxious, or over-busy mind state, to a state where you can experience a depth of calmness, peace, and relaxation .. simply by developing a little more self awareness of your “state of being” during your busy day, and deciding to Just Do It!  

We also thought about how this needn’t be a lengthy process, and if you can find even just a spare minute or two, there are ways even The Busiest Person In The World could fit it into their day .. if they really want to.  Check back on last month’s blog for some ideas on how you might be able to do that with your own busy schedule.

Potential Blessings and Benefits of Meditation

I use the word  “potential” in this sub title because the word “Meditation” in itself is an umbrella term for a practice that covers a multitude of different techniques and traditions, and even if we had 4 people in a room “doing” the same Meditation technique, each will have their own unique experience of it. 

But to stick to that “umbrella” terms for now, there are Meditations that will help you:

  • Reduce your levels of stress or anxiety;
  • Reduce physical pain and boost the immune system:
  • Help you develop your mental focus and powers of concentration;
  • Enhance your creativity;
  • Help to open your mind up to new ideas and inspirations:
  • Identify and balance emotional disturbances:
  • Help you to connect with and deepen psychic skills;
  • Connect more intimately with your spirituality;
  • Help you develop greater self awareness;
  • Help you deepen your understanding and awareness of other people;
  • Improve performance in business or sport;
  • Help you make grounded decisions
  • Help you create your own day

Wow, we are literally just scratching the surface here of potential blessings and benefits of Meditation.  Did something leap out at You from this list?  What was that? 

And how does it all work anyways? How can it DO all that stuff?   

Well, speaking from my own experience of Meditation, I do not believe that it is some magical “cure-all”. 

Yet there is undoubtedly a science and wealth of research behind it (particularly in the field of neuroscience) that can help to explain some of those what, where’s, why’s and how’s. 

In addition, it’s absolutely true too that some individuals can indeed have a “quick fling” with Meditation, and as a result, get a potentially life-changing “aha!” moment, deep inner insight or practical take-away everyday relaxation skill that will be endear Meditation forever to them.   This does, however, seem to be quite rare.    

What does seem to be true, though, is that most long-term Meditators will be able to tell you about the richness and reward a longer term relationship with your own Meditation Practice  will bring into your life.

So what is it that you would you like more of in your Life?  How could a regular Meditation Practice enhance your life?  What is that would tick more of your self-care, self-nurture, self-growth boxes? 

Maybe it’s time to take a fresh look at Meditation and put a Meditation Me-Time date in your diary .. starting today!  

Want to learn more?

We host regular Monthly Meditation Classes here at Acorn in our Studio, suitable for beginners and re-starters. 

Acorn also has a range of Online Courses too, including our “Learn to Love to Meditate” course;  click the following link to take a look at all of those:  “Learn to Love to Meditate Course

To book a place on our Monthly Class in the Studio, or for more information on anything discussed in this post, simply get in touch with us here at Acorn for more information, or email me direct at

We look forward to hearing from you!

Breakfast like a king lunch like peasant and dine like a pauper

General Health & Wellbeing Posted on Thu, February 23, 2023 01:16PM

by Sally Race

Breakfast like a king lunch like peasant and dine like a pauper- you might have heard that before, but is it fact or is it fiction when it comes to helping you lose weight?

In some recent research carried out under study conditions, participants ate exactly what they were given, no more no less. It was done over a period of four weeks and they ate the same amount of calories, they all ate the same nutritional values and same balance of protein, fat and carbs. Some ate the bigger meals in the morning and some in the evening.

The results?

The results showed that there is no difference in how much weight people lost. So you may think that when you eat makes no difference. BUT that’s not true & the reason why was actually in the participant feedback rather than the study results. There was a significant difference that in the real world(so non study conditions)I think will make a major impact and that is that, consistently the people that were having the Big Breakfast in the morning and the light meals later on reported that they weren’t hungry as opposed to the other group where they were eating bigger meals at night were hungry on the exact same calorie controlled diet.

So in the real world what’s going to work?

If you’re going to feel hungry, you’re going to eat more. If you’re not going to feel hungry, you’re going to eat less. So maybe there’s something in it after all. I don’t think there’s any one magic bullet when it comes to weight loss, I think a lot of it is in our heads, how we think and feel. There’s a lot of what we eat that messes with our hormones & hormones are a massive thing on how body stores fat, how our bodies work and function so there’s not just one thing, it’s a multitude of things. If we add in one thing here and one thing there, the whole combination together can make a really big difference in being successful in being a healthier weight and having a healthy body in general, not just that but the impact that has on our minds, because it’s frequently underestimated the amount of difference in what we eat has on our mental health. So it all combines!

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