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Acorn Health Blog

What we love is great health...

...and we like to write about how we can all achieve better health, naturally. Sometimes tips on how you can DIY to better health and sometimes on the therapies that can make a difference to you, your health and wellbeing.
Thank you for reading, We hope you enjoy :)

Myth-Busting Benefits and Total Relaxation for people on their cancer journey

Therapies Posted on Tue, April 02, 2019 02:22PM

By Eileen Strong Therapeutic Massage & Holistic Complementary Therapist

I attended
my first ever massage training course more than 20 years ago, and loved

I have learnt various massage techniques since that time and a range of
other therapies too. It was a just 3
years ago that I decided to learn some new skills and undertake specialist
training for the Hydrotherm Massage system to become an approved Hydrotherm
therapist. I was drawn to Hydrotherm
because their suite of massages included
pregnancy massage and, the one that really caught my attention; massage for
people on their cancer journey. Most of
us have had our lives touched by cancer in some way, and I’m no exception. Being able to give back to those in need,
when they need it most, is something I feel strongly about.

As many of
you know, we have a wonderful range of different massages available for you to
enjoy at Acorn. The Hydrotherm Massage
system is a little different in that the client reclines on the treatment couch
upon cushions filled with warm water for their entire massage. Since the person doesn’t have to roll over
during their massage, it’s super relaxing and is especially ideal for anyone
with mobility problems, or who finds it uncomfortable laying on their stomach.

You can
take a look at the massage system here Hydrotherm Quick Peek.

Endorsed by
Penny Brohn Cancer Care, the Tranquil Sea Hydrotherm massage takes this deeply
relaxing treatment a step further. The
training has allowed me to gain confidence and competence when working with
clients who are currently being treated for cancer, or have a history of

Massage misunderstood

I was
particularly drawn to learning the Tranquil Sea massage because back in 2008 at
the massage training school, we were taught that on no account should we
massage anyone with cancer. Historically, until very recent times,
it has always been a grey area in the
massage industr. This is largely due
to a plethora of myths surrounding
whether massage is safe whilst undergoing cancer treatment. There is also an additional rule, however, that if someone has a letter of permission
from their GP, then they CAN have a massage.
But if a therapist isn’t given specialist training about how to perform
or adapt a massage for someone on their cancer journey, how can they possibly
know whether it is safe or not. Confusing? Absolutely.

I was
recently quite surprised to learn that there’s still around 70 per cent of spas
in the UK that continue to operate an outright ban on offering their services
to people who have previously had, or are in treatment for, cancer.

This issue
really hit the media in January 2018 when Jo Mackie was refused a massage and
manicure at Center Parks where she was celebrating her 50th
birthday. Asked what she thought about
being turned away by Centre Parcs, Ms Mackie told ITV London:

“Fundamentally, I think it’s humiliating
– you fight tooth and nail as a cancer patient to beat a disease which is
potential life threatening only to be told you can’t do something as normal as
have a massage….. It’s ridiculous .”

Ms Mackie sued Center
Parcs over her experience. The company said in a statement: “If a guest
has a medical condition or had undergone a medical treatment we do ask for a
letter from their GP, as therapists are not medically trained.”

The issue is, therefore,
ensuring that therapists are adequately and expertly trained to be able to
provide a safe and comfortable massage for anyone at any stage of their cancer
journey. No one with cancer should ever
get turned away from a treatment, I think you’d agree.

Informed understanding

research is moving forward all the time and we now have a much deeper
understanding about different types of cancer and how they spread within the

We also know that cancer treatments such as
chemotherapy and radiotherapy effect not only the cancer cells, but also surrounding
healthy cells too. This can compromise the strength and function of
body systems, organs and tissue while the person is in recovery.

A typical
example of this would be where lymph nodes have been surgically removed, or
where radiotherapy has been directed to an area where lymph nodes
proliferate. If the lymph system becomes
compromised, a massage carried out by an
untrained therapist could potentially overload the system and contribute in the longer term to
other complications such as Lymphodema ( why lymph fluid cannot flow freely and
backs up, causing pain and swelling)

This is
just one example of why a massage might need to be adapted, and why a massage
therapist should have the knowledge and skill to know what to do.

Massage is good for you!

In treating the person holistically as
a whole, the Amethyst Trust in conjunction with Penny Brohn Cancer Care says
that in their experience, regular massage can:

Lead to improved physical and emotional

Help people express emotions and deal
with anger

Reduce isolation and reduce fear

Reduce nausea

Restore a sense of balance and

Provide a sense of calm

Reduce symptoms of pain and discomfort

Improve sleep

Help people to feel special

We know that hospices and treatment
units have been providing massage and other relaxational therapies to patients
for a many years, because they know how beneficial it is.

As one previous cancer patient
explained, “ I just needed to shut down and have time for me away from
everything, I just wanted to feel human again;
it is important that therapists don’t treat a cancer sufferer with fear,
but learn how to treat us safely; adapting treatments and treating us as
“normal”. It made my life just that
little bit easier in a time when I felt my life had changed forever.”

So the reality is that massage is
perfectly safe if adaptations are made and there has never been any scientific
evidence behind the contention that massage can spread cancer.

Both at Acorn Natural Health Centre and
my own practice at home in Milford, I’m
delighted to be able to provide a confident and competent massage therapy for
anyone on their cancer journey, without the need for a signed GP referral.

In addition to being a certified
Hydrotherm Tranquil Sea therapist, I’ve also undertaken intensive 3 day
training in Cancer Touch Therapy. The
two treatments compliment each other beautifully, and can both be considered wonderful spa style treatments
in their own right, suitable for everyone, whatever their health challenges may
be, including people on their cancer journey.

Clients who have these treatments give
wonderful feedback. It isn’t just the treatment itself, but also
the one to one care, the supportive touch, and complete time out all
really help.

If you would like more information
about the massage therapies and other services I provide, then please get in
touch to arrange a free, no-obligation consultation.

SPECIAL OFFER on 90 MIN TRANQUIL SEA TREATMENTS – you can click on the link to book and enter the redeem code: TRANQUILSEA90 or get in touch to find out more and book. Offer expires on 1st June 2019.
Contact: 01773 687349 or 07745409059.

Does your life resemble a loop?

Therapies Posted on Fri, March 15, 2019 02:25PM

By Jadwiga JamesHomeopath & Herbalist, Access Bars practitioner

Do you go to work you might not enjoy, come back home just
to sleep and to go to work again… and nothing ever happens or changes?

Do you feel like you are stuck in a role of just being a
carer for everyone?

Are you ending one abusive relationship just to enter
another one which soon proves to be no different?

Are you trapped in a circle of losing weight just to put it
back on?

Whatever your loop is, I have some good news for you: you
created it and so you have the power to change it.

How do you do that?

By changing the pattern you identified yourself with at some
point in your life and then decided to follow. This pattern might have been
present in your family for generations and ingrained onto you or you might have
created it from scratch as a response to one of your life’s events.

You can compare it to an electrical circuit which is always
turned on and running in the background of your life.

Talking about electricity… Did you ever notice the
difference in the air during the power cut? Could you hear the silence? It’s
surprising how we actually learn to live among a constant electrical hum and
come to believe that it’s not there, we don’t listen out for it, yet notice
straight away the echo it leaves when it’s absent.

Did you ever notice that your thoughts are just as constant
as the humming appliances? Always there in the background, each of them running
its own cycle in an endless loop:

About things you’ve done.

About things you didn’t do.

About things you were supposed to do.

About things you would like to do.

About things you need to do in the future, etc.

Each of these thoughts is broadcasting an emotional charge.
You might not even notice you are carrying it within yourself until an outer
circumstance brings it up to the fore, causing an upheaval.
What would it feel like to turn the constant buzz of your
thoughts off? Would you be willing to experience the silence? …and in that silence
recognise a space, space which would provide room for you to make different
connections, thoughts and decisions?

What if that space and silence would allow you to break the
ever-playing loop and create something new, something which would serve your

Would you allow yourself to relax, feel at peace with
yourself and even fall asleep?

What if I told you that most of the people I see end up
dozing off or falling into a deep sleep during my Access Bars sessions?

That’s because Access Bars has the ability to change brain
waves into Theta frequency, a frequency which we normally experience very
briefly in the time before we fall asleep and which is linked to activation of
your creativity and intuition.

What could you create in your life if you allowed yourself enough
space and silence?

I offer Access Bars taster session £20, Access Bars focused clearing £30 and Access Bars full transformation. Get in touch to find out more or book your place.

A new Anxiety Combo Treatment is here!

Therapies Posted on Fri, March 15, 2019 02:19PM

By Anne Marie Allen Reflexologist, Reiki Practitioner & Massage Therapist

I’m really excited to announce a new treatment coming in April 2019!

It doesn’t matter where you go or what you do – your mind and your thoughts always go with you. As a person who’s suffered from otherthinking and anxiety in the past, I know how miserable and debilitating it can be.

Sometimes you just wish there was an off switch – this treatment is it!

It has been designed for people who suffer from anxiety and overthinking, to help you take control, let go, switch off, calm your thoughts and help you overcome your anxiety.

This new treatment is called – the Anxiety Combo, as it combines wonderful reflexology with the magical powers of aromatherapy and reiki.
During your hour and a half appointment, you’ll recieve a full reflexology treatment using especially selected aromatherapy oils. Whilst you drift your session will be rounded off with some deeply relaxing yet incredibly powerful reiki.

This new treatment is £40 for 1.5 hours. More booking details to follow shortly.

How can Angelic Reiki Help Me?

Therapies Posted on Tue, February 26, 2019 01:49PM

By Sally-Anne MarlerIntuitive Card Reader & Angelic Reiki Practitioner

I work with many clients who are experiencing various
difficulties or challenges in their lives to help them understand what is going
on for them energetically and how energy is connected in with our emotions,
thoughts, physical body and spiritual connection.

Here are some of the problems my clients are
typically experiencing:-

Inner conflicts (overthinking or analysing a

Loss of Inner sense of security Lack of confidence

Feeling under psychic attack

Lack of confidence

Survival issues – fear based thoughts

Loss of Identity with self

Difficulty in receiving or accepting good things

Feeling Stuck

Unable to move forward

Lack of direction in life

Lack inspiration or drive

Anxiety or panic attacks

Frustration at lack of achievement/success

Inability to manifest

Feel you can’t cope

Continually picking up other peoples negative energy
or issues

What I want to help the clients achieve, is more flow
with their energy – this helps overcome blocks within the energy that might
have an emotional or mental connection – and more balance so that energy
centres are working together collaboratively and in harmony with each

Clients often comment about feeling a sense of
release or peace of mind or clarity they hadn’t felt before – especially the
clients that have tendancies to overthink or overanalyse.

Also the process helps the clients connect into
their intentions – work out their ‘why’ in life and feel more connected to
their true or authentic self. During the healing session they may see colours,
have sensations or feelings that come to the surface which may or may not
trigger an emotional release. There are lots of different responses but all
have a connection and purpose for the client as the healing is carried out for
their highest good and in alignment with what they need now – linking in with

In addition I might pick up other information
from spirit guides or angels – sometimes spirit animals or see past life events
that might be relevant to the clients healing journey.

At the end of the session I encourage the client
to pick an oracle card or a soul practice that might add some extra insight and
help clarify a few things.

We are starting to realise that we are made up
of more than we initially thought – people are awakening to their gifts and the
possibilities in life. Energy healing isn’t woo woo – it’s scientifically been
proven that we have energy and interact with it. We might not be able to prove
the exact workings of it here in the western world – but the eastern world have
been practicing energy healing for over 5000 years now.

I’ve had some fabulous feedback from clients
after their session – you can go to my facebook
page and read the reviews
there to find out

This month (March 2019) I’m offering a £10 discount for anyone that books in
for an Angelic Reiki and Energy Healing session,
making it £30 for 1.5 hours.
also receive an email after your healing session summarising the results and
any insights gained during the session. Please quote ANGELHEALING10 in the
redeem code section.

Look forward to seeing you if you book in and if
not – stay energy savvy, look after your needs, don’t overcompromise yourself
and be uniquely and creatively you!

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