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Acorn Health Blog

What we love is great health...

...and we like to write about how we can all achieve better health, naturally. Sometimes tips on how you can DIY to better health and sometimes on the therapies that can make a difference to you, your health and wellbeing.
Thank you for reading, We hope you enjoy :)

Massage – Can it really help me?

Therapies Posted on Mon, May 09, 2016 05:00PM

By Maz Harvey

The term massage encompasses a large and varied
number of techniques and approaches.
Massage in its simplest form entails any
hands on techniques involving stroking, rubbing, lifting and squeezing of the
tissues with or without a skin lubricant. More advanced forms of techniques
practiced under the umbrella term of massage include techniques used by Physiotherapists,
Osteopaths, Chiropractors and even Acupuncturists.

I believe the time is right for the massage bodies
/ authorities to distinguish between the

various forms of massage so as to enable the public
to know which type of massage practitioner to go to for treatment. A simple
split may be Spa massage and Clinical massage?

Who can benefit from massage and what can it treat?

The answer to this question would fill a very long
blog post so I will give a few random examples of who / what I have treated
this week.

I have helped a lady recovering from a stroke, a
more mature gent struggling with a thigh problem that was keeping him awake at
night and ‘more importantly’ stopping him play golf, a G.P. with a painful
neck, a talented teenage footballer desperate to play in a final this weekend,
another mature gent still turning out to play veterans football and several
neck and shoulder problems, some with related headaches and some with related
nerve sensations down the arm.

As you can see ‘Massage’ can help with many types
of soft tissue, joint and nerve pain. It may well take several sessions to get
to the root of the problem and it may involve lifestyle changes by the client
but don’t underestimate the potential effectiveness of massage.

5 things you wanted to know about Reiki but were afraid to ask…

Therapies Posted on Sun, February 28, 2016 07:50PM

By Anne Marie Allen

What is it?

Reiki is a Japanese form of hands on energy healing which helps your body to release stress and tension by creating a state of deep relaxation. By creating this state, Reiki helps your body to heal and balance and clear any negative or blocked energy, boosting your body’s energy levels, restoring harmony and feelings of wellbeing.

So, what does it do?

Reiki gets to work on the areas that your body needs the most, including;
*Promoting health & wellbeing
*Pain management
*Helps to reduce stress and tension
*Promotes feelings of peace, serenity and wellbeing
*Enhances any medical and complimentary treatments you may be receiving
*Helps to relieve and eliminate the side effects of conventional medical treatment, such as chemotherapy.
*Helps with post operative healing
*Encourages mental clarity
*Relieved symptoms of stress and tension
*Calms the mind and emotions, relieving symptoms of depression and anxiety
*Improves sleep quality
*Soothes digestion
*Strengthens self esteem
*Heightens self awareness and intuition
*Helps to balance emotions

What will it feel like?

Often during a Reiki session, people report feeling;
Pins and needles
Energy moving in their body
Deep sense of peace & relaxation
Feeling of floating

So what happens during a Reiki treatment?

During your first Reiki session, there will be a short consultation where we will have a chat and you’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
After the consultation, you’ll be taken over to the comfortable treatment bed, where you’ll be asked to take your shoes off and lie fully clothed under a wonderfully soft blanket. The lights will be dimmed and soft music will be played, whilst you lie back and relax.
Through a series of light, non invasive touches, I will channel the energy through myself and into you.
After your treatment, you’ll be offered a glass of water, whilst we have a chat about how your treatment went.

Do I have to believe in Reiki for it to work?

Reiki is not a religion and is not based on any religion, although the energy is spiritual in nature. You do not need to believe in Reiki for it to work, but you do need to be willing and open to it working.

If you’d like to try Reiki for yourself, you can take advantage of the special offer for March.
For the whole of March, I am offering thirty minute Reiki taster sessions for just £15!

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