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Acorn Health Blog

What we love is great health...

...and we like to write about how we can all achieve better health, naturally. Sometimes tips on how you can DIY to better health and sometimes on the therapies that can make a difference to you, your health and wellbeing.
Thank you for reading, We hope you enjoy :)

‘A Beautiful Mind is a Colourful Mind’

Therapies Posted on Tue, September 28, 2021 10:44AM
mind mapping colours

“How you allow yourself to think today, directs the actions of your heart tomorrow”

-Theo Gimble

Your mind is continuously growing and creating your world. The saying goes: if there’s something in your life you’re not happy with, then change your mind about it. Changes don’t come from without, they come from within. Your mind is a very powerful chamber that is continuously:

  • Conceiving Thoughts
  • Birthing Ideas
  • Creating Reality

To explain how the mind works really is an impossible task, and I’m certainly not a mind reader!! But I have found a way to show how you weave in/out of the following:

  • Left & Right Brain
  • Feminine & Masculine
  • Intuit & Logic
  • Lunar & Solar Energy

The purpose of a Mind Map is for you to see how your thoughts form, and it will highlight your repeated patterns and habits that have held you captive.

Understanding ‘How and Why’ you think they way you do is the key ingredient to bring about changes in your life.

A Mind Map will offer you ‘Healing of the Inner-Split’ and restore you to a state of EQUILIBRIUM.

Colours of the Mind

Therapies Posted on Tue, October 06, 2020 11:58AM

The Mind is our most powerful tool {next to our Heart} it holds our thoughts, our intellect, our moods the whole of our personality.

Would you be surprised to learn there is a map to the human mind?

The mind has many temples, each one having its own gifts and benefits that control different physiological functions as well as stimulating our creative energies. Did you know these energetic spheres within the mind all have their own unique Colour?

I am able to translate the frequency of these Colours to the mind and I can also understand its labyrinth of vibrating neural pathways, to be able create a ‘Mind Map of Colours’ for your greater awareness.

Just to make things clear – I am not a mind reader.. No!!

What I am, is a ‘Colour Therapist’ who uses the sacred language of Colour (as keys) to unlock the doors to your mind and release its great potential. I can bring something through ‘The Veil of Amnesia’ as a soothing salve for your Healing.

The only ingredient you need is an ‘Open Mind’. Once resistance is removed I then ask you to pre-choose  x4 Colours that move you most, then allow me to work on the ‘Colours of your Mind’ over a period of time (4/5 days). After this time you will be ready to receive what is rightfully yours, in the form of a 90min in depth consultation/explanation which includes your hand written personal ‘Mind Map’ to keep. {Fee £45}

Receiving your ‘Mind Map’ means you will be given a ‘Divine piece of Science’ that is filled with words for you to ponder over and process to see how it applies to your life, especially the parts that are most inspiring or that challenge you.

It will change the way you think about yourself and your world, it has the potential to access your higher-self and to see how you have all the answers to your own questions from the inner-world of your own Colourful mind.

Healing Delight

Therapies Posted on Tue, September 29, 2020 11:38AM

These are powerful and dynamic times to be living in because of the increased awareness for both the planet and for ourselves.

Many changes are happening which ‘yes’ can be quite scary but it can also be wonderfully exciting at the same time because here is an opportunity to tear down the old ways (that’s not worked) and make room for building the new.

There’s never been a time like this for personal ‘GROWTH’ as we can re-examine our thoughts and deeds to become better living, breathing versions of our Highest selves.

If you feel inspired to take the full advantage of this wonderful time of transformational healing and would like to get really honest with yourself… no more lies… the I am here to help guide and support you in a very compassionate and beautiful way through Colour Reflection Reading.

To find out more about Colour Therapy, click here.

Message in a bottle

Therapies Posted on Tue, March 03, 2020 10:55AM

March has a message for you!

Hold onto your Hopes and Dreams!

  • What do your Dreams look like?
  • Do you remember them?…
  • Have you let them go?…
  • Did you even have any?…

Life has a way of knocking the stuffing out of you when you least expect it and it’s at this point that you tend to ‘lose yourself’. To let go of your ‘Hopes & Dreams’ means to ‘Wither & Die’ like a plant that’s not been watered.

Your Heart is the Well Spring of Life and it yearns to be fed with your ‘Hopes & Dreams’ to keep it alive.

A very wise man once said: “Hope deferred makes the heart sick”.

Come and feel well again by connecting to your Heart’s Desires.

Come to see clearly again the visions and aspirations you once held with excitement, through a Colour Reflection Reading .

There’s a very special message in each bottle that’s uniquely for you…

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