We all have experienced indigestion at one time or another. Even if you are not prone to it on a regular basis, you may have noticed an uneasiness in your stomach after overindulging yourself on one occasion or another, like after family gathering, Christmas, Birthday parties and so on…
There are many reasons for indigestion, from occasional overindulgence as mentioned above, through stress, fatigue and overall poor diet or even parasites and fungal infections.
How do I know if I have indigestion?
Indigestion is usually diagnosed based on symptoms which most often include:
- Bloating
- Belching (burping)
- Acid Reflux
- Heartburn and heaviness
- Nausea
- Fatigue and feeling of dullness
Note: If you suffer from a severe, chronic indigestion, it could be a sign of a stomach ulcer or inflammation which could have a negative impact on your whole digestive tract.
Best options to remedy indigestion
Widely-advertised antacids suppress the production of stomach acid. The main issue here is that they tend to create what is commonly known as an ‘acid-rebound’ effect where your body produces even MORE acid than it did before (talk about a vicious circle!). In addition, they often contain aluminium salts which may add onto the heavy metal toxicity of your body which comes with a whole new array of problems.
So the question is: will it be the proverbial last straw which broke the camel’s back? How much more can your body take?
What are your other options?
Homeopathy can be very effective in dealing with both chronic and occasional cases of indigestion. The key lies in matching the correct remedy to your experience, i.e.
- If your indigestion is linked to overindulgence in alcohol, stimulants or rich & spicy foods (as in a post-Saturday Night Out syndrome with an added hangover) then you could seriously consider taking Nux Vomica- a remedy most commonly used when the food lies on your stomach like a stone, you have an acid or bitter reflux and feel overall chilly.
- If you simply suffer every time you eat something too fat, you could look at getting a dose or two of Pulsatilla or Carbo Veg. The difference here is that Pulsatilla can still taste the food they ate for ages afterwards whilst Carb Veg will have a lot of burps and feel tired and sleepy.
- If you are not a fan of antacids yet your indigestion in of a long standing, you could take Nat Phos, a biochemic tissue salt which is widely-known for its acid-calming properties with NO acid-rebound effect!
There are also plenty of herbal options, depending on the type of indigestion you are experiencing, e.g.

- Anise- traditionally used in order to relieve indigestion with a lot of mucousy reflux and to improve appetite
- Artichoke- considered as a liver supporting herb, usually taken for abdominal pain, heartburn and bloating
- Cayenne- most commonly used by people with sluggish digestion and metabolism
- Chamomile- ideal for cases of ‘nervous’ stomachs with a lot of cramps and gas
- Gentian- commonly used to stimulate stomach and gallbladder secretions in cases where there is too little stomach acid
- Geranium- traditionally used to decrease acidity, relieve pain and help in healing ulcers
- Liquorice, Slippery Elm & Marshmallow- most useful when dealing with inflamed stomach lining due to their promotion of a protective mucous
- Peppermint- most commonly used to neutralize excess acidity and spasms
If you would like to address the way your body is reacting to certain foods or bring balance back to your digestion rather than taking temporary measures, you could try bioresonance or homeopathic treatment.