“It is sad fate for someone, to be known by all.. and yet to be unknown to themself”
Sir Francis Bacon
The biggest dis-ease of 21st Century is to not know who you are, or place in life!!
We all lose ourselves at some point, usually after a shock or trauma which deeply affects the mind, body & soul, thus causing you to function out of balance. Being at this kind of crossroads in life is the time when you really do need some gentle guidance and encouragement to help you get back on track.
Receiving a Colour Reading will help you to:

- Believe in Yourself again…
- Change old mindset, patterns & habits…
- Validate who you are…
- Unfold your true potential…
The soul takes delight in Colour , because colour is in harmony with life. All Colour is channelled energy of light from the Sun and that’s healing to us(this is why we take holidays). It really is quite remarkable how Coloured light influences the whole of our being in such a positive way. All the Ancient civilisations understood this though, they knew the powerful healing benefits of colour on the psychological, emotional, physical & spiritual body, that we are only just beginning to touch on today.

If you are ready for some gentle guidance into a fuller sense if who you are?…then simply follow the link to book a Colour session with True Colour Therapies by Paula-Marie here at Acorn