When you think about the word PASSION, what is the picture that springs to mind?
If you type it into Google images, all you’ll get in the search result is flowers, fruit and sex. And that’s possibly what most of us think about when we hear the word “Passion”.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with flowers, fruit and .. who wouldn’t want a passionate sex life too? BUT, let’s hold our hot sweats and high heart rates for a moment, and look at Passion from a slightly different angle.
Gallup is an American analytics and advisory company that carries out public opinion polls conducted worldwide. In 2017, they published statistics that’s showed only 13% people worldwide are engaged in their jobs i.e. getting true satisfaction and fulfilment in a role that they love. Unhappiness in work, romance, personal finances and body weight all contribute to the number of people who are experiencing life by just “going through the motions”, not living life to the fullest. The good news is that the Passion Test was created to turn those global statistics upside down.
I have been teaching The Passion Test workshop since 2014. On every workshop, I ask the question: what would a Passionate Life feel like to you?
These are some of the answers. Maybe you could add some too?

So where are you on the Passion Scale?
On a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being “yay, full on, living life to the max” and 0 being “squat diddly zilch” .. how much passion do you have in your life?
Again, think beyond purely Romance, Chocolates and Flowers in your life. The Passion Test encourages you to THINK BIG! Include all areas that are important to you, such as:
Spirituality House&Home The Environment Relationships Family Health Fitness
Finances Socialising Personal Development Sport Travel Hobbies

Think of all those areas of life, and give your Passion a rating. How did you do? Are you happy with that score?
If you have a high score, then Good Job! You are already mastering the creation of your ideal life and just have a few little tweaks to make.
If you have a really low score, don’t despair! You may feel a bit stuck or blocked or downright disillusioned just now, but you can change that. And it may be that you’ve just not really stopped to think about this before, and you’ve just been “getting on with it” because that’s what you’ve always done.
If you scored somewhere in the middle, then you have some clarity about what you want and where you are going, but maybe just need a few pointers and little tips to help you bring more passion into your life.
And don’t worry too much. Remember, it’s pretty much a socially accepted norm to be unsatisfied, unfilled and generally unhappy (remember that Gallup survey I mentioned earlier?) But it doesn’t have to always be that way.
The Passion Test will show you how, because Passion comes from the heart, and not the Head. And when you tap into your heart energy, you tap into an unlimited resource. I mean, you never run out of love do you? Your heart energy (the source of your passion, courage, and a wealth of other wonderful resources) just expands and expands the more you use it.
When you live your passions, you will align your life more closely with what you love, and feel more empowered about life too. The better your feel about life, the more your inner light will shine; and then you will be in a better position to uplift and inspire other people around you too.
Sounds good? The Passion Test will help you define your Top 5 Passions so you can align your life more with them. And a whole lot more too. Join us on 15 Feb and take your life to the next level.

Sat 15 Feb, 1030-1330hrs, The Studio, Acorn
All workshop materials and light refreshments are provided. The number of places is strictly limited so don’t delay, book your ticket today .. and we’ll see you with the rest of that 13% living a life filled with Passion.



Eileen Strong
Certified Passion Test Facilitator